During these rough times with the global pandemic, ShadowCat appreciates all the people have used our services on their properties. Without your support these times would be very trying.
One by product of the global pandemic has been the large amounts of layoffs. This has lead to many industries being saturated by untrained people attempting to find work. In Land Clearing, and similar industries like Tree Service or Grading, there has been an influx of people who are simply renting machines and claiming to be a business, or in the case of tree services just showing up in a pickup truck with a chainsaw. Hey, we all have to start somewhere right?
The problem with this is that these people are not official businesses, as such they are not licensed or insured either. The few that do register officially with the state are renting equipment and learning on the job how to use the machine. This is not good for you, the customer, or us the registered licensed business.
Protect yourself. Confirm on Sunbiz.org that the business you are about to hire is listed. If not, they are not an official small business and without that, they cannot have insurance. These uninsured “companies” are then out there advertising half price, lowest cost, etc. The reality is they do half the work in the same amount of time as professionals in the industries and they are passing off rental cost to you. Furthermore, with lack of experience they are likely not to provide the end result you are looking for, and paying for.
Avoid the hassle and hire registered small businesses that have been serving Central Florida for many years. We have all been here for you throughout the years and we all appreciate you being there for us during these times!
ShadowCat has been serving Central Florida and registered with the State of Florida since 2013.
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