Do you have acreage that you simply have no idea what it looks like because it is so overgrown? Are you trying to sell some property? Do you wish to “open it up” so buyers get a better view of what the land has to offer? Do you want to thin out the woods, but not clear cut the property?
ShadowCat Services, Inc specializes in Forestry Mulching, it accounts for 90% of our work. We do not offer a laundry list of services such as sod laying, irrigation, etc. Our services all support the land clearing process, and it all starts with Forestry Mulching!
What is Forestry Mulching?
Forestry mulching is the Land Management process by which a mulching attachment (NOT a bushhog!) is used to mulch the overgrowth. The mulching process puts down a layer of shredded material. This material could be woodchips or fine mulch, depending on what is mulched. The layer of material will serve to fertilize the remaining trees or future landscaping. It will also insulate the existing tree roots. Before and After pics can be seen in the before-and-after Gallery.
What Machinery is used?
ShadowCat uses a Forestry Mulcher attached to our Cat 289D. ShadowCat can clear your fields or pastures to eliminate any overgrowth, including small trees, palmettos, and large brush. Many property owners still search for Bushhogging services to work on their property when in fact they need a forestry mulcher! Let us know what you need done and we will be happy to assist, or advise you if a farm tractor is the best option for you to save money.
A Bush Hog attachment cannot mulch! If you hire a contractor to mulch your property but they use a bush hog, you will be disappointed. Bush Hogs are only meant for grass and very small brush.
Call ShadowCat because we specialize in the heavy woods where most companies will not go!